
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taipai Taiwan

We are in Taipai after our initial long flight. We have a three hour layover here and everyone is busy walking around and getting exercise for the next flight. It's exciting to be on our way finally. The weather here is the same as the one we left in Seattle. We'll see what it's like at our next two stops! A few of us found some free internet access in the nicer part of the airport. We'll go back now and report our find to the rest of the crew. They're probably all anxious to send off a "safe arrival" note. Thank you for your prayers!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 1: Sea-Tac

We saw our friends off at 12.15am tonight. Of course, we could only be with them up to the security gate so we all had to settle to wave good bye just beyond the ticket counter. From here, the team is heading over to Taiwan on a 13 hour flight. We should be hearing from them once they cross the pacific. Everything was on time and the check in was seamless.

So on our first day everything seems to be off to a great start!

Today is the day... kinda.

Today is the day that our friends leave for Sri Lanka! Well, kinda: Bria and her group flies out at 12.15am on Thursday morning. The last things are getting packed into the big huge suit case and we are spending the day together, like many people, enjoying each others company for the last time for an entire month! A month!?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Posting via Email

Anyone can post to this blog by sending an email to

Your subject title will become the subject title of the post, such as, "Posting via Email."

The body of your email will become the body of the post, so be sure to delete anything that follows your message (such as a signature or text from forwarded emails).


Updates will be posted here about the groups experiences in Sri Lanka!