Friday 15th
Kandy Hospital
Following our time at Kandy Hospital, we received news of a suicide that took place while we were at the hospital. While we were there, we had no idea this took place. A young man who had received a kidney transplant from a monk (just day(s) before) could not bare the pain and jumped out of the window of the hospital. This incident really impacted our team. The whole time we have been here and interacted with the nurses and doctors we have asked about pain management. I was told by one doctor, "We don't need pain medications like you Americans!" This suicide confirmed our suspicions about pain management in Sri Lanka.
Kandy Nursing School
We watched a cultural dance put on by the nursing students.
We stood and listened to them sing the National Anthem (which, by the way we have learned is sung every morning at the hospital!!) and realized how grateful we were for our "short" national anthem! During their presentation, they spontaneously requested a student from NU to share about Sri Lanka and how much we love it here. No one moved for an awkward moment, then Krissy so sacrificially jumped up and saved the day. Thank you, Krissy for your speech.
Assessment presentations to nursing students
We walked into the nursing school and were immediately informed that we were going to be performing assessments, while teaching our head to toe method and being critiqued by their administrative teams. Kandy's Nursing school had about 30 nursing students dressed in pajamas ready to jump into the fictitious hospital setting. Dot and Melba randomly selected 3 students to perform the assessments. As the time progressed, more of us ended up doing the assessments and we did so in teams of 2. That helped relieve the pressure!!
Shopping in Kandy
We split up into teams of 3 or 4 and began walking around the shops in Kandy. We found the locals very friendly and extremely good salesmen! One shop that Shawna and I came out of (e didn't buy anything because of the outrageous prices!) the salesman followed us and brought us back to his shop and brought the prices down to what we wanted!! Several of the other teams had random people wanting to practice their English or talk to them about where they were from. People are always surprised to hear we are from America. I think most believe we are from UK. There are a lot of Europeans here.
Saturday 16th
Hotel in Kandy
"Heaven"- as one student described this hotel. It was better than we had ever imagined. There was a huge buffet with steaks, lamb, seafood, skewers, crepes, fruit table, chefs waiting to boil pasta and on and on. While we were eating our food, we were looking out over the deck at the huge pool that was set amongst the palm tree backdrop. It was absolutely beautiful. We had a much needed relaxing time in the pool and eating something other than rice and curry!!
Elephant Orphanage
We went to the Elephant orphanage and saw them bathed, fed and got to walk up to them and touch them. We got some great pictures of the elephants!! It was better than a zoo, because they were just roaming around. We were walking right up to them, without a fence or any barriers at all. It was our hottest day in Sri Lanka by far. Sweat just poured from our faces. It was amazing.
Tea Factory
The tea factory was a quick stop on the way back from Kandy. 16 "tourists" filled the little room with boxes and cans of tea trying to decide the perfect one to bring back to the States.
Sunday 17th
On Sunday morning we decided to not take the almost 1 hour drive to church and opted to have church here at the compound. We had a great prayer time for each member of the team which lasted for 3 hours. The pastor (at the church we have been attending while here) came to AED to visit us- announced the arrival of his newborn son Jordan Seth. He told us that he always makes a point to visit his congregation if they are not at church. Our leaders said this was the first time a pastor has ever visited the team on a nursing trip from NU.
Monday 18th
All day clinicals
Long day
Homework when we returned to AED
Tuesday 19th
Happy 31st Birthday Jeff!!! Today was a day full of fun starting out with the boys at AED giving Jeff at least 30 birthday cards to "Uncle Jeff." It was a very fun surprise. But even though it was Jeff's birthday we still had to get up at 5am and be out the door at 6 in order to meet with the Nurse Managers of the different wards of the hospital. It was interesting to learn a little bit more about their responsibilities compared to the Nurse Managers in the States. After that, just another clinical day, but since Bria and I (Kimberly) am in Jeff's clinical group we still made the day worthy to celebrate.
After the long hard day of clinical, Jeff had picked Il Ponte, and Italian restaurant at the Hilton in Colombo to have dinner. It was pretty amazing. Almost everyone got lasagna, pizza or fish 'n chips. Yummy! Oh, and then we had to sit by the pool and watch the sunset while we waited for people to go to the cash machine and such.
Wonderful day.
Wednesday 20th
Pediatric Cancer Institute
Happiest patients we have seen yet
Thursday 21st
Last day at Lady Ridgeway Hospital
Farewell to tutors
Friday 22nd
Today we got to have a whole day of rest and getting ready for our health fair on Saturday. We woke up and had a great breakfast of French toast and chicken sausages and onions cooked by Kimberly, Heather, Krissy, and Jeff. After breakfast we decided to have a volleyball tournament between the NU team. There were four players on each side and we played best out of 5. After 4 games we were at 2:2. We took a swim break and went out into the waves. We got tossed around a little and then came back in to finish the championship game. Bria, John, Shawna, and Beth took the victory. We worked on Health Fair projects in the afternoon—making posters, signs, cutting out fruit from construction paper, and laughing about our amazing artistic abilities. We are nursing students, not art students after all.