
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

DAY 7 (Wednesday)

Today we toured several hospitals (maternity and a children's hospital)...They were very different from what we are used to in the US... It was neat to have one on one time with the doctors as they went from bedside to bedside with us and explained the diseases/syndromes.We saw microcephalopathy, scoilosis, cleft pallet, dysmorphic, poland syndrome, and spinal muscle dystrophy...among much much more. The most amazing thing we encountered was an 800gram baby boy (this is how much he weighed). One baby boy was left at the hospital when he was born (premature at 26 weeks and weighed 800 grams) and now is 5 months old. He will probably be going to a governmental home soon (in the next week). We spent time in the NICU, the maternity ward, the ICU, burn ward, and cardiac unit and we watched a cardiac catheterization... Today was a good day. We had ice cream at McDonalds at the end of our day! :D One of our favorite things is the tea time one hour prior to lunch. The tea is SO good! :D Yummy! We all want to buy some to bring home... Lastly, it rained today! WHAT IN THE WORLD? Who would have thought? Here it is 85 degrees and 90% humidity and it rains. There was some thunder and lightening as well.
We are all getting along and trusting the Lord for our lives everytime we get into the cars (the traffic is CHAOS!)...