
Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Tuesday was a long day.... We got up at 5am, left AED by 6am and arrived home at 7pm... We have TONS of homework and another long day ahead of us Wednesday. Please pray for us. We are very tired and still have much more to do and learn! The experiences here are rich and eye-opening. A number of us have had experiences in the burn units... It's heart breaking to see these kids with burned bodies laying in hospital beds with no pain meds. Huge parts of their bodies are burned and they are debrided (dead skin scraped off) without morphine (sometimes they get Tylenol). The screams of the children stay with us and it is hard not to cry while watching the procedures... Even though it is tough at times the Lord is teaching us so much and we are grateful to be here. We miss our families and wish we could post more pictures but cannot because of our internet connection.