This morning we went to church at the same place we went last week. The members are so kind to us and the pastor is a great man. They are such prayer warriors and it is so refreshing to be able to attend service with these Christians in a country where Buddhism seems to be everywhere. After church Janet, Adam, and their daughter Randy took us to lunch at a Chinese Restaurant at a hotel in a very nice part of Colombo. The food was excellent and I think we all ate a little too much. The Chinese food here is very different from in the States. Some dishes were very spicy. We were so blessed by their kindness and willingness to provide us with an amazing meal. We went to the store to buy some much needed treats for the coming week.
The drive home from the store was hilarious. We were going so incredibly fast. Krissy and Heather who were sitting in the very back of the van were getting thrown around quite a bit.The girls in the back of the other car were hitting their heads on the ceiling. Driving is very entertaining here!
After coming back from the store a few of us took some of the kids over to Kalapuwa Sri (the boys orphanage). They love swimming there! The rest of us spent the evening resting and recovering. Tomorrow is an early morning. We have to leave here at 6 am to be at the hospital. Thank you all for your prayers! They are greatly appreciated.