
Sunday, February 10, 2008

To Krissy & Ashley

Hi girls,
G'pa George here this morning! Had your Dad and Cory over for supper last night, Krissy. Had a good visit and also a good long prayer time for Auntie Karen, kids and your Mom. This is a hard time but God is giving them some good times together--we think this is extremely important that they have this time together right now.
Anyway, wondering how it is going for you two. Wondering if you are learning anything or is it one big, cultural overload. Read that you enjoyed Chinese food there so there is obviously more than just Indian curry--I would like that! The Chinese food!
Life in Lynden is quiet and placid as usual, with a lot of rain mixed with snow lately--kind of miserable; nothing much you can do with slushy, wet snow. Courtney is getting closer to her due date and is miserable--she gets so large. G'ma thinks it's a boy because she is carrying it so high--don't know about those things, she's just big! Of course I don't say that to her; poor thing.
I guess the big event of the week was that MOPS asked G'ma and I, along with Kurt and Gwen Langstraat and Adam and Daniele (don't know their last name; Adam is the big guy who works at Express Lube) if we could be a panel of married couples to give wise counsel to the MOPS Moms. It was very special in that all of us were very much on the same page on every subject and blended so well together--it was fun! We complemented each other so well even in our diverse age groupings.
There is another sort of exciting thing that happened yesterday but I will let your Dad or brother spill it to you, Krissy--don't let on to your Mom, it is a secret, okay? (No, Kenji isn't marrying a Somali girl.)
Don't know whether you heard but Kenji and Yattani are in Nairobi now for their 2 week R&R. They both have been rather sick so I hope this gets them back on their feet and ready to back out to Dadaab. Things are still volatile in West Kenya. Lots of great stories though, of God's Grace through His people, especially at Karura Chapel. Kenji will be a part of that Internship these two weeks.
It is almost time for church so I will say, Ta Ta for now,
Love, G'pa George